Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Final Posters

Final Physical Model

For my final model, I used the new rapid prototyping printer. Using many layers of powder, with layers of glue, my model was slowly built up. This is the final result.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Senior Campus development

The latest update of my digital model, I am really pleased with the way this is coming together, as I have managed to not sacrifice my initial concept for practicality. Hopefully the end result will be even better!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Project 3

For this project, our group has decided to go with organic shapes and forms. My building will contain the classrooms, cafe library and science department. I have gone with a shape that is somewhat reflective of sand dunes.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I took a survey of a handful of senior school teachers to find out the influence of both sustainability and technology on their school as well the curriculum. Here are the major points covered by the teachers:

- Should be incorporated into each subject
- Could be offered as a separate subject as well
- Currently sustainable projects/competitions are in production
- Need to know how it affects them
- Currently there are water tanks, worm farms and recycling in place.
- Water management plan, land for wildlife, young farmers
- Looking at using more solar generated power, motion sensors in class rooms to reduce electricity wastage

- Intranet becoming more and more used
- Computer Labs to become a thing of the past
- Wireless
- Interactive whiteboards
- Art Installations
- Vodcasting and youtube becoming more and more used
- Online classes may be introduced
- The idea of the global classroom
- Possibility for remote teaching (no teacher in classroom)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Project 2 School Planning

The New Site Plan
This is a Block out of the site. We plan to demolish the existing building on the site as it does not fit in with the ideas we are planning. The Red block is to be the admin. building, the green is to be the sports stadium, and the blue is to house the remaining facilities.
We have incorporated a new ovalabout on the surfcoast highway in an attempt to give a new access point to the school. This will hopefully reduce some of the traffic congestion currently being experienced along Grossmans Road.

Sun Diagram

Sun diagrams for both the summer and winter.

Wind Diagram

Cold South westerly winds are a problem with the current site, so we hope that with the strategic placing of the buildings, that we can shield the outdoor areas from most of these.


We plan to keep all the existing vegetation, as we have managed to place all the buildings in places where there is no current vegetation. In Project 3, we will look more into what vegetation we want to add the site.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Group 26 Project 1 Final Video

Follow this link to go to youtube to see the final submission for our portable classroom

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Model COMPLETED!!!

After days of stressing, and tedious gluing of perspex and card triangles, the model has been completed!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Walls


The model for the Portable is almost finished...has been a long and painful process with over 1200 little triangles being stuck together to make all the pyramids, but it is looking great now.
Quite different to our initial thoughts about a folding design, but we realised the impracticality of that idea pretty quickly. We are all very happy with how this design has turned out.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Just stumbled across these guys. An architecture group called to Modular Modern, devoted to designing modular homes.

Project 1 Research

Interesting article found about the use of solar panels as a skin for a building. Obviously this isn't quite at the same scale but holds some similar characteristics to what we will be looking at.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Project 1 Research

For the remodel of the school portable, our group is taking the approach of a building that can collapse and fold-out from itself. Here are a few examples of projects taking a similar approach.

Also check out who are a company based around the design of modular housing

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Archi Group

For Project 1, I will be working with:

Daniel Calder
Aaron Poupard
Tom Young

Week 1 Studio Exercise

The First week studio exercise was to titles 'esquisse'. It provided on a very basic level, the complex ideas of space and form, whilst addressing the needs of the RARE concept.

R enewable
A daptable
R eusable
E nvironmental

It provided a good introduction to Project 1, as we addressed the ideas of folding and changing space, as well as the use of repetition and beginning our thinking of material choices.