Monday, September 15, 2008


I took a survey of a handful of senior school teachers to find out the influence of both sustainability and technology on their school as well the curriculum. Here are the major points covered by the teachers:

- Should be incorporated into each subject
- Could be offered as a separate subject as well
- Currently sustainable projects/competitions are in production
- Need to know how it affects them
- Currently there are water tanks, worm farms and recycling in place.
- Water management plan, land for wildlife, young farmers
- Looking at using more solar generated power, motion sensors in class rooms to reduce electricity wastage

- Intranet becoming more and more used
- Computer Labs to become a thing of the past
- Wireless
- Interactive whiteboards
- Art Installations
- Vodcasting and youtube becoming more and more used
- Online classes may be introduced
- The idea of the global classroom
- Possibility for remote teaching (no teacher in classroom)

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