Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Project 2 School Planning

The New Site Plan
This is a Block out of the site. We plan to demolish the existing building on the site as it does not fit in with the ideas we are planning. The Red block is to be the admin. building, the green is to be the sports stadium, and the blue is to house the remaining facilities.
We have incorporated a new ovalabout on the surfcoast highway in an attempt to give a new access point to the school. This will hopefully reduce some of the traffic congestion currently being experienced along Grossmans Road.

Sun Diagram

Sun diagrams for both the summer and winter.

Wind Diagram

Cold South westerly winds are a problem with the current site, so we hope that with the strategic placing of the buildings, that we can shield the outdoor areas from most of these.


We plan to keep all the existing vegetation, as we have managed to place all the buildings in places where there is no current vegetation. In Project 3, we will look more into what vegetation we want to add the site.

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